Location: Williamsburg/Jamestown, Virginia, United States

09 August 2006


Okay, nitty-gritty again. Who are the most charismatic presidents? Not the good-looking, but who were made into good-looking fellows because of their charisma? So, the not-based-on-looks-alone. You don't have to agree with what they believed in, just that they were attrative people based on who they were.

I'm throwing out some no means my final answers!

-Theodore Roosevelt (this is a final answer for me. One of my all time favorite people to read about!). LIke him or not, the man's got charisma!

-Thomas Jefferson

-Dwight Eisenhower

-Abraham Lincoln

-Ulysses S. Grant

-Harry Truman

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so the usual charming suspects have been listed,but what about Chester Arthur? I mean seriously, his presidency was oozing the stuff Hollywood only dreams of. I mean WOW! The man had a very successful term even in the wake of Garfield's assasination. And,he was even suffering from kidney disease during his presidency ! He really must have charmed the pants off everyone to make the entire country overlook the jaundice-y, yellow tinge in his skin, nails and eyes from his failing kidney. Totally charismatic!

12 August, 2006 14:45  
Blogger Steph said...

True, but let's not forget his checkered past! He was dubiously connected to organized crime/political machines in New York, a la Boss Tweed. How much do his potential past affiliations affect his charismatic appeal...?

30 October, 2006 10:05  

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